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Sentinel LDK 7.9正式发布

2018-12-26 9:32:51点击:


Sentinel LDK (Sentinel License Development Kit) 为软件开发商提供强大的防盗版与知识产权保护解决方案,并以无以伦比的灵活性协助您保护收入和增加销售额。 Sentinel 系统防止软件未经授权的使用,保护软件版权和知识产权,并提供多种授权模式。

Sentinel LDK 的优势、独特性和灵活性基于两个主要原则:

Sentinel LDK 独特的 一次保护—多种分发—不断改进™ 设计理念让您能够将业务与保护(工程)流程完全分开,以最大限度提升业务灵活性,同时确保以最优方式利用您的员工时间和核心竞争力,从而缩短产品问市的时间。

交叉锁定™ — 支持一次保护—多种分发—不断改进原则的技术,使受保护应用程序能与 Sentinel 硬件锁或 Sentinel 许可证证书(软件锁)配合使用。


Sentinel 开发商锁
当您购买 Sentinel LDK 时,会给您提供两个 Sentinel 开发商锁 — Sentinel 主锁和 Sentinel 开发人员锁。
Sentinel 开发人员锁供软件工程师结合 Sentinel LDK 保护工具一起使用,以保护软件和数据文件。
Sentinel 主锁与 Sentinel LDK 结合使用,并连接到 Business Sentinel EMS Server。 锁可由负责生产的员工用于创建授权并将其锁定到 Sentinel 保护锁、将特定数据写入 Sentinel 保护锁的内存中,以及更新已在客户现场中部署的授权。
每台 Sentinel EMS Server 计算机都必须连接 Sentinel 主锁。

What's New in Sentinel LDK v.7.9?

Custom Clone Protection Schemes
Sentinel LDK now allows you to specify custom clone protection schemes for your Product licenses. When defining a Product, you can create a named clone protection scheme and assign it to the Product. The named scheme is also available to assign to other Products.
Separate clone protection schemes can be specified for physical machines and for virtual machines.
For each custom clone protection scheme, you select the criteria to use from a list. You also specify how many of the selected criteria must be satisfied in order for the License Manager to validate the license.
Custom clone protection schemes can be specified using either the Sentinel EMS web interface or Sentinel License Generation API. (Custom clone protection schemes are not currently supported for Sentinel EMS Web Services.)
Custom clone protection schemes are supported for SL AdminMode and SL UserMode keys. For SL AdminMode keys, Sentinel LDK Run-time Environment version 7.90 or later must be present on the computer where the protected application executes.
Sentinel LDK Now Supports Data File Protection for Linux Platforms
You can now use Sentinel LDK Envelope for Linux to add the Data Protection module to a protected application. (For Linux applications, only the Version 2 data protection mode is supported.) This enables the protected application to access a protected data file when the protection key contains the appropriate license for the data file. (Update of a protected data file is not currently supported.)
Sentinel LDK Envelope for Linux operates only under Linux Intel; however, it can protect applications for both Linux Intel and Linux ARM platforms. You protect the data files using Sentinel LDK Data Protection utility, operating under Windows.
To operate Sentinel LDK Data Protection utility with the Version 2 protection mode, you must connect a Sentinel Master key or Developer key with the Advanced Data File Protection module to your machine.
For more information, see the description of data file protection in the Sentinel LDK Software Protection and Licensing Guide.
Sentinel LDK Envelope User Interface Has Been Improved
The Sentinel LDK Envelope graphical user interface has been modified to provide better control of the class/method tree in .NET and Java. Settings that are not commonly used have been moved to allow more space for the class/method tree. The process for selecting classes and methods has been improved.
Program Integrity Protection Feature Has Been Added to Sentinel LDK Envelope for Windows
The option Program integrity protection is now available in the protection settings for Windows applications. When this option is selected, the protected application is signed with a digital signature. At run-time, the signature is checked to ensure that the code was not modified.
Program integrity protection is compatible with Microsoft Authenticode signatures. It is possible to apply a Microsoft Authenticode signature to the protected application when the Program integrity protection option is selected.
(This feature was already present for .NET assemblies in Sentinel LDK v.7.8.)
Sentinel LDK Now Supports Android 8 and 9
Sentinel LDK now supports Android 8 and 9, including the Licensing API and Envelope. 64-bit ARM is also supported, including the Licensing API, samples, and flows related to license updates.
(Support for Android 64-bit ARM was provided initially in Sentinel Run-time Environment version 7.81.)
Software Manager System Upgraded to Sentinel Up
The system used to deliver online updates to Sentinel LDK components has been switched to Gemalto's Sentinel Up. This software manager system provides improved reliability for the delivery of future updates to Sentinel LDK on the vendor's machine.